Provide your iOS/iPadOS users with the Microsoft Outlook 365 app and configure it using the managed configurations. The Exchange account becomes part of the workspace or the supervised device. Users now only need to enter their password to receive emails.
In this How-To we will show you how to pre-configure MS Outlook via the Cortado Administration Portal and distribute it to the users' devices.
- Add the Microsoft Outlook app in the Cortado administration portal under Administration→ Apps. For more information, see our help article Import and distribute apps from Apple Business Manager.
- Then assign the app to the users & groups.
- Then click Create under Apps→ Managed Configurations. For more information, see our help article Create Managed Configurations for iOS apps.
- Then select the Apple platform and assign a name for your configuration (upper arrow in illus.).
- Select the Microsoft Outlook app (middle arrow in illus.).
- Then enter the following keys and values (see illus.):
Key | Typ | Value | | String | #UserEMailAddress# | | String | #UserPrincipalName# | | String | ModernAuth | | String | |
Note! Instead of you can also enter the server address of your company's own Exchange server here.
For more information, see the Microsoft Help pages.
Note for Cortado MDM! Make sure that the User Principal Name (UPN) was previously stored in the user management.
- Then select the Outlook app (left arrow in illus.) and click on Assign (right arrow in illus.) to distribute the managed configuration of Outlook to the users or groups.
Note! All users now have to re-enter their Exchange password.