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08/29/24 – Cortado supports account-driven user registration for Apple BYOD

We are pleased to announce that Cortado MDM now supports account-driven user enrollment for personal iOS/iPadOS devices. This has the advantage that users can use the same email address everywhere, namely the one with your company domain, to enroll BYOD devices.

Note! Apple will soon discontinue support for profile-driven user enrollment. It will therefore no longer be possible to register using the previously known method.

sign in for BYOD user enrollmentAccount-driven user registration requires an additional setup step. On the admin side, it is now mandatory to create a JSON file once and store it on the web server. Further information on this can be found in our help article Embedding private iOS/iPadOS devices (BYOD).

JSON file for enrollment

Without this new setup step, users will not be able to log in in future.

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