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The Cortado app for Android devices – overview

The app on the device

If you want to use the Cortado app on your private Android device, first set up a work profile.

Note! Users of fully managed devices will find the Cortado app on there devices.

After successfully configuration, you will find the Cortado app on your mobile device. 

On the left image you can see the app as part of the work profile, on the right image on a fully managed device.

  • Open the app with the app icon (arrow in illus.).

a screenshot of a cell phone with the settings highlighted.


  • On the start page of the app you will receive a status message about the management of your work profile and/or your company devices:
  • If the traffic light displays green, then the work profile and the device are running correctly, and any existing policies have been implemented (left illus.).
  • If the traffic light displays yellow, the last time the device was updated was more than 48 hours ago (middle illus.).
  • If the traffic light displays red, a policy is unable to be enforced. In the example, an insufficiently strong password has been set for a device with a work profile (right illus.).

status of the Cortado app recognizable by the traffic lights

  • If necessary, change the password for the work profile or for the device.
  • Tap on Update now, to refresh the status message.

If a policy is unable to be implemented, the apps in the work profile (left arrow) or on the fully managed device (right arrow) will be locked.

a screenshot of a cell phone and a screenshot of a keyboard. Further information on the Cortado app can be found in the following articles:

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