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Data security and sharing

This article gives you an overview of what data Cortado passes on to Apple or Google during device registration and app configuration.

Data Cortado sends to Apple

Data Cortado sends to Google

Data Cortado sends to Apple

Apple Push Notification service (APNs)

The following table lists the data that the Cortado backend sends to the APNs in MDM context. This is used to tell the Apple iOS or iPadOS device to connect to the Cortado MDM backend and retrieve their MDM commands. 

PushMagicThe magic string that has to be included in the push notification message. This was retrieved through the TokenUpdate MDM command.
TokenThe Push token for the device. For a shared iPad this can also be the shared iPad user push token. This value has to be included in the push notification message. This was retrieved through the TokenUpdate MDM command.

Automated Device Enrollment (ADE)

The following table lists the data that the Cortado backend sends to the ADE server, to Assign a Apple iOS or iPadOS device to a ADE Profile, that specifies how the enrollment process is configured. 

serial_numberThe device's serial number. This was retrieved through the Devices ADE endpoint. 
profile_uuidThe unique ID of the assigned profile. This was retrieved through the Devices or Define Profile ADE endpoint.

The following table lists the data that the Cortado backend sends to the ADE server, to Define a ADE profile. 

org_magicA string that uniquely identifies various services that are managed by a single organization. 
profile_nameA human-readable name for the profile. 
support_email_addressA support email address for the organization. 
support_phone_numberA support phone number for the organization. 

Volume Purchase Program (VPP)

The following table lists the data that the Cortado backend sends to the Apple App and Book Management API. This is used to assign apps and books to a Apple iOS or iPadOS device. 

serialNumberThe serial number of the managed device. This was retrieved through the Authenticate MDM check-in message.
clientUserIdThe unique identifier for an active user in your organization. Created by Cortado. This is only needed for BYOD devices or user based licenses.
managedAppleIdThe managed Apple ID for an active user in your organization. This is only needed for BYOD devices. Managed by Apple Business Manager (ABM) or Apple School Manager (ASM). 

Data Cortado sends to Google

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

The following table lists the data that the Cortado backend sends to the Google Play EMM API

EnterpriseIdThe ID of the enterprise. This was retrieved through the Enroll Enterprise request.
UserIdThe unique ID for the user. This was retrieved through the Insert User request. 
User DataUser data e.g. e-mail address, display name is send to configure apps via managed configurations. This is done via Device Update request. 

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